Sunday 20 April 2008


Coaching is a structured, focused, interactive process designed to unlock potential and maximise performance in people, at both an individual and organisational level. The word coach is derived from early methods of travel e.g. stage coach, and literally means to transport someone from one place to another (Starr, 2003)[i]. This process of transition from where the client is now, to where they wish to be and the capacity to devise an appropriate action plan to get there – ‘with as little effort and as much fun as possible’ (Blanchard & Homan, 2004)[ii] - is fundamental to the coaching process, and journey.

The basis of Personal & Executive Coaching is that people are creative and resourceful, and have the capacity to overcome the challenges confronting them in their personal and professional lives. Coaching releases this potential through effective questioning, constructive challenging and action orientated goal setting, in collaboration with the client(s). The overall objective is to assist individuals identify and overcome barriers to progress, to make more effective decisions, and enhance their performance now and into the future.

[i] Starr, J (2003) The Coaching Manual: The definitive guide to the process, principles and skills of personal Coaching. Pearson Education Ltd Harlow

[ii] Blanchard, S & Homan, M (2004) Leverage Your Best: Ditch the Rest. Coaching Secrets for Life and Work Capstone Publishing Ltd Chichester

At EPM Consulting, our objective is to work with resourceful and succesful people to optimise their potential and effectiveness, in both a personal and business context. We specialise in Career Coaching, which can be delivered one to one in person, or by telephone.

Interested . . why not contact us today to discuss how you can Be your Best!

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